The first version of the Rhiz-o-Mat was created on the 'm.e.s.s.i.a.h.' site circa May 1995. A Thousand Plateaus recommended a record-album style of reading -- what if it skipped? So young and innocent. Gray backgrounds. A series of meta-tags. A simple quote feeder. "Push Media" was on the cover of Wired. It was all very exciting...
The list of quotes slowly grew and the background became an officious white, but the structure remained doggedly multilinear. Rigidly lockstep. Oh, but such a clever name! Such an empty container! Tried to make digital dirty -- digital not dirty? Ha ha ha! Eventually, finally, 'messiah' was de-rezed.
BlebNet has now reformatted this arcane textual artifact with an all new post-apocalyptic shell with a client-based back-end squiggle. Still a white background, but now the pesky linearity has been Authored into a degree of obscurity. Hopefully your reading will now be an even bigger problem. Hopefully.
:::::: BlebNet
Enter the D+G Rhiz-o-mat